
From beneath the dark earth, from what appeared to be finished and dead…LIFE HAS RESURRECTED!    Flowers, blossoms, sun warmed shades of delicate green, birds singing…all that seemed impossible and unlikely such a short time ago, has now reappeared.  Wow!  When that kind of dramatic change can take place, right before our eyes, we should never loose hope, never stay negative, never let despair hold our thoughts for long,,. not doubt the possibility of one long ago resurrection.  This is the promise: That nothing dark and seemingly hopeless will last.  Life is always ready to express itself  again in a positive way.  What looks like the end, is only a pause.  Be happy.  Enjoy this wondrous, holy day and the assurance of spring.  Happy Easter!

Behold, I am making all things new!    Rev 21:3

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